Finance Solutions



Our Plan solutions help you design a state of the art, science aligned sustainability strategy and gain leadership buy-in. We analyse your risk exposure, areas of opportunity and the most cost effective pathway for reaching your objectives - all with a laser focus on your business goals.

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Each Module responds to the most critical strategic challenges companies face when embedding sustainability. They are entirely customisable to meet your specific needs.


State of Play Analysis 

+ You may already be doing a lot around sustainability. But how does it all fit into the bigger picture? Are you truly resilient, today and in the future? 

This module helps you understand your near to long term risk exposures, identify your ambition to action gaps, and identify priority next steps.


Purpose, Mission & Values

Setting strong, consistent foundations for guiding and defining your approach to sustainability and CSR is important. We assess alignments between your purpose, mission, values and sustainability ambitions by reviewing your existing materials and providing you with a clear overview of where you stand. We can also help you produce missing elements.

Recommended Module pairing:

Boundaries of Responsibility

To reduce your risk exposure you need to account for all your negative impacts and be transparent about it. We use our full spectrum ESG footprinting framework to help you identify every important theme you have an impact on across your value chain. This will help you gain a clear understanding of your total non-financial risks and define your boundaries of responsibility for climate, Nature & society. 

Recommended pairing:

Sustainability Quick Wins

This third sub-module builds on the two others to produce an analysis of your current sustainability/ESG status. We evaluate your targets, commitments and ambitions against your activities as well as industry best practice. This will enable you to identify the potential risks and gaps in your current strategy and your priority next steps in the short, mid and long term.

Recommended pairing:

Opportunity Analysis

+ The data leaves little room for interpretation. Embedding sustainability at the heart of your business is key to your resilience and competitiveness.

We use specially conceived market analysis frameworks to help you identify your top internal and external business opportunities.


Landscape Analysis

How well do you understand the non-financial forces reshaping your playing field? What trends must you absolutely be aware of? We convene our intelligence network and senior industry experts to produce an authoritative analysis of the ESG forces reshaping your industry. You will learn how they are impacting your specific market(s) - today and in the longer term. 

Recommended Module pairing:

Stakeholder Analysis

What do your clients and employees expect from you but simply don't say? What does your sales team know that your product team dosen't? Through discreet surveys and interviews with your employees, customers and partners, we help you unlock the hidden intelligence and practical solutions needed to inform your strategy, improve your offering and increase your resilience.

Recommended pairing:

Competitior Analysis

Where do you stand in your competitive set when it comes to sustainability? How well are your competitors doing and who is the best positioned to respond to your clients' growing expectations? We investigate and cross-reference your competitors using our full spectrum ESG analysis framework to help you gain a clear understanding of where you are leading, or lagging, and identify the actions that could give you a competitive edge.

Recommended pairing:

Areas of Opportunity

We help you identify and prioritise the sustainability initiatives that best support your business goals. To do this we synthesise the outputs of your landscape, competitor and stakeholder analyses to reveal the specific areas you need to take action on, and provide suggestions on how best to do it. You will gain a clear, data driven understanding of how to boost your operational resilience and pursue potential growth opportunities.

Recommended pairing:

Strategy Design/upgrade

+ Without a robust transition plan you will, statistically, waste your time and money.

Whether you need a review of your existing strategy, or to start anew, our industry first, full spectrum 3 Pillar framework will have you completely covered. We help you develop a clear and actionable year by year plan of where to play, how to play and with whom.


Where to Play

We conduct a deep dive into your impacts and dependencies across environmental, social and governance themes. We assess your value chain activities and provide visibility over the interdependencies between them. We then help you understand how to account for these - not just quantitatively but also qualitatively - and conduct a thematic material risks assessment to prioritise your most urgent areas for action. Together we will identify the most appropriate frameworks and tools to measure and evaluate your sustainability data and help you set ambitious but achievable targets and milestones.

Recommended Module pairing:

How to Play

Once you have identified your material impacts, dependencies and risks, we help you plan a detailed year by year execution strategy. We start by evaluating the data and work with you to set targets (definitive or intentional) for each one of your boundaries of responsibility. Leveraging our user-friendly Impact Timeline management tool we help you turn them into clear milestones and assign specific tasks for planning the resource and project management needs of each one. Finally we identify the disclosure bodies relevant to each theme and help you define the specifications of your reporting layer.

Recommended pairing:

With Whom to Play

Now that you have measured your footprint and set your objectives, you need to identify the assets needed to make it happen - ideally in the most cost-effective way possible. To do this we help you map your existing resources and HR capacities - and identify your key levers for change, and whether they are directly or indirectly influential. This includes your employees, C-suite and board as well as your customers and your suppliers. Building a people-centric strategy that knows how and why to engage, incentivise and reward participation, is critical for delivering a high impact transformation strategy. 

Recommended pairing:

For optimal results we recommend pairing all Plan modules together but we can also produce more high level strategies and integrate your existing assets. We can also support you with general guidance on how to produce a full spectrum sustainability strategy on your own.


A compass to Net Positive.

Our Three Pillar framework has been specifically designed to provide business and finance leaders with the clarity they need to understand where they are at, what they need to do, and how to get there - all in the most cost effective way possible.
It integrates the full spectrum of targets, conventions and reporting standards for climate, Nature and society into a clear, user-friendly framework - a dashboard for managing all your sustainability and ESG activities.


Purpose, code of conduct, values and policies for:
  • Internal operations
  • External operations
  • Product / Service
Reducing and offsetting your footprint(s)
  • Climate Footprint
  • Ecological Footprint
  • Social Footprint
Going above and beyond to become a force for good
  • Investments & donations
  • Capacity Support
  • Advocacy
At the centre of our framework lies the Intasphere, a highly practical tool that helps organisations understand the entirety of their ESG footprint and dependencies - based on leading conventions.

It has been developed with some of the materials and research support of individuals at the University of Oxford Said Business School, INSEAD International Business School in Paris and a number of other reputable organisations.

Impact metrics.

Our Activate workshop solutions are designed to help you engage your stakeholders, unlock hidden intelligence and impart the technical training needed to drive your sustainability strategy.

Simply share a challenge or a goal you have and we will offer you impartial advice on how to achieve it.
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Business Solutions

An allegorical depiction of a company being activated

Stakeholder engagement and upskilling

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Technical partners, tools and communication

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